Thursday, 12 August 2010

Alright Lizzy, you're on.

So today, after a little gander in Waterstones, I eventually chose the book which I'll spend the net year tackling. There were many Spanish cookbooks in the section actually, giving me a little bit of a headache before deciding on this one. Partly what pushed me towards choosing it was that it just seemed a little more elegant than the other ones on the shelf -- a small little book devoid of massive pictures and the like, dotted with the occasional little painting by the author when she lived in Andalusia. A nice personal touch I thought.

I do currently have some Spanish recipes not form this book, however, which I'll attempt before I leave. My mum got me Jamie Oliver's Jamie Does book for my birthday (something I've not actually cooked from yet) which has a section on Spanish cuisine in it -- and I intend to have a crack at this one fish dish when I can.

ps: I don't know from where I managed to pull it out, but I myself was surprised by the self-restraint I exhibited in that bookshop. Reading is one of my loves, and the act of compulsively buying books has somehow manifested itself as an incurable affliction on my part. I thought I'd succumb on seeing all those shiny "3 for 2" stickers on all the books -- but it seems the effect on me of a low bank balance is not to be underestimated.

I've more than enough on my to-read bookshelf, after all.

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